National Institute for Health and Care Research Trials App
A pilot project that allowed the public to volunteer to take part in experimental clinical trials. The user can search for a trial by their condition and location. The results were displayed in a list and map form using MapKit. The trails were retrieved from the US Global website. AWS Lambda functions were used to convert the XML API into JSON using Node.js.
- Search for a trial by condition and location
- Show the results is list or on a map
- Conduct a survey
- View survey resells in real-time on a Shared Google Sheet
The NIHR team were interested in collecting feedback for the app and there was a survey section. Once the user submitted there their answer, the results were displayed in real-time on a shared Google Sheet.
part in clinical trials of new treatments by searching for trials near their location. I worked on the app and the API providing an end-to-end solution. Swift/UIKit, Auto-layout, MapKit, XML to JSON API JavaScript/Node.js with AWS Services.
Rascal Systems
The company's retail system was based on special industrial barcode scanners running Windows CE.
Xamarin iOS/Android scanner app. C# with a Realm database. The app worked on handheld Android barcode scanners and the iPhone.
Rio Tinto Zinc
A web app run on ruggedized Windows devices to manage mining train safety. React/TypeScript/SASS.
Public Transport Victoria
PTV is responsible for the public transport system for Melbourne consisting of trains, trams, and buses.
Admin web interface for PTV transport using C#/MVC/JSON/HTML/CSS. Secondment to Melbourne office.
Centrica Expenses iPhone App
Cenrtrcia is a UK energy supplier.
Designed and implemented the API for expenses and receipt photos from their phone into Salesforce.
Payment system for mobile phones in Pakistan. Secondment to Singapore office. .Net Core, MongoDB, Rabbit MQ.
Daily Telegraph, Haaretz, Russia Beyond The Headlines iPad Editions
In the early days of the iPad newspapers and publications were keen to get content
Apple came up with NewsStand. The idea was your iPad would download your edition overnight.
Customization for London clients of Tigerspike’s flagship Phoenix syndication product using C#/SQL Server. Interface to retrieve and store news articles from the client’s CMS. Interface with Apple Newsstand notifications using Urban Airship.
Russia Beyond The Headlines
A government-supported newspaper insert operated by RT (Russia Today).